Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spiders, Pancakes, and Pajamas!

These pics are all from last week. It was full of fun activities. We studied spiders and everyone got to paint a spider with their hands.

Last week was all about the letter Pp. We read one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors, Kevin Henkes. The book is called Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse. Then, we made purses and filled them with things that start with the letter Pp. (The boys didn't mind making purses, but the girls LOVED this)

We read another great book, If you give a pig a pancake, and made a class book together. We also ate pancakes!! This was a yummy snack. Most of the kids even licked the syrup off their plates!

The kids loved wearing their pajamas to school! (Teachers too!) We colored pajamas and wrote in our journals about them.

Happy Pajama Day!

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