Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So many turkeys (sorry this is sooo late)

Hi families, well my aplogies for not blogging much lately. I have been super busy and have kept putting this off. I really wanted you to see some pics from the week before our Thanksgiving break. We made so many different turkeys, talked about why we celebrate thanksgiving and all the kids told me lots of things they were thankful for. We had even more fun preparing to be Native Americans. I got to wear a great-looking turkey costume, because it's just not Thanksgiving without a big turkey!

Our class tipi. Everyone decorated a tipi "skin" with Native American symbols to put on our tipi.

These are the Native American Headbands the kids made. They turned out great! They had to use the shapes to make a pattern.

Don't eat these turkeys!

One of my favorite Thanksgiving books. Juli disguised her turkey to look like a cow.

Tyler and Zariya share what they are thankful for...

Happy Thanksgiving from Mrs. O's class!