Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine Fun!

Last week was full of Valentine fun. Tuesday, February the 8th was our Kindergarten Program. I LOVED how many of my students showed up! Thanks so much parents for bringing your kids, they all did such a great job singing their Valentine songs. Enjoy these pics from that night...

On Friday, Feb. 11th was our class Valentine Party. It was so much fun! A big thanks to all the parents who could be there to help and also to those who contributed to the party.

First they all spent LOTS of time opening all their valentines. They were so exctied all day to do this!


Then everyone made a Valentine Memory book. I was so thankful to have all these parents helping glue :)!

After that, we played a game of hot potato, and clearly, by the looks on their faces, they LOVED it!!! I had no idea how much fun they were going to have with this. Even on Monday of this week most of the class was asking if we could play this game again.
What a fun party!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

100th Day of School!

Thursday, February 10th was the 100th day of school. Everyday, since the first day of school we count and record the number of days we have been in school on a big one-hundred's chart. We pratice counting by 5's and 10's and its a great way to talk and learn about numbers everyday. Our class has been looking forward to the 100th day and all day long was devoted to 100 day activities. Check it out...

We had a number hunt and the kids had to find 100 numbers that were hidden all around the classroom.

Kamille and Kaylie about to enjoy their 100 day snack!

We made chain with 100 links and used it to measure. We discoverd it took 3 boys (Ryan, Fili, and Donovan) to equal the length of our chain.

They had 100 seconds to write their name as fast as they could!

 The kids had to make 10 groups of 10 to get 100 dots.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Numbers in the Teens

Well families, sorry it's been so long since my last post! But with all this winter weather it's been pretty busy at school trying to catch up for all of the missed days! Hope those cold days are behind us and I wanted to share what we have been working on for the past few days, and weeks!

In Math we have been focusing on numbers in the teens, which can give kids a hard time. It's easy for them to reverse the numbers so here is a link to a  fun song that we sing in class almost everyday...

We also did an activity this week call "Roll and Count" and the kids loved it! They have so much fun rolling the dice to see what number will "win" and all the while they are practicing making those teen numbers. Here are some picks of us working on that...

We also had the 100th day of school this past week, and the Valentines program and Valentines Party! I'll be posting all of those later this weekend.