Friday, January 21, 2011

Math Masters

We have been working so hard on addition and subtraction. Here's a look at what we've been doing. Help your kids at home to really understand this concept. You can make it fun by adding their stuffed animals, or subtracting cookies that they eat. Be creative!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Fun!

Well families, I'm sorry to say that my camera is broken so I will not be able to post any pictures from the winter party. All of those pictures were sadly erased... But fortunately I got a new camera and have a few pictures from this past week... enjoy!

Snowflake fun...

Snowflakes are fun to make at home too. All you need is a coffee filter. Keep folding it in half until you get a small, skinny triangle, and then cut away!

Last week we learned about artic animals. We spent a lot of time talking about penguins and how they keep their egg on top of their feet. So, we pretended to be penguins, and the kids quickly learned it wasn't so easy keeping that egg on their feet!